We Will All Confess and Give Account

You deny Him now.
What makes you think 
when you are on your death bed
 you will cry out and accept Him then?
Do you really think
 it will easier then
 when your dying?

Why do you wait?
Why do you wait for the end?
 The most devastating time in your entire life.
Why do you say, I'll leave it up for chance?
 When quite frankly now 
your life is devastating to you.
You are dying a slow death even now.
   You live a life of confusion and pain
you're just hoping it will all go away
 like a puff of smoke in the air.

 Hope or chance
 you don't have either 
if you don't take a chance.
 Take a chance
 a step
 towards Christ this time around.

The only One who can save you
 and give you
 a true hope
 for the right now
   and a hope for the future.
 It's found only in Jesus
 He is your only Savior.

You look for more around every corner
search for something to pass the time
 always seeking to fill the void.
Why not give Christ a try, you've got nothing to lose.
  You've got everything to gain.

What is it?
 The unknown?
I get that!

I guarantee you
 The fear
it will be gone the moment you believe.
 The unknown
 will now be known.
 your almost there. 
Take a bow now, don't wait until it's to late.
You've filled your life 
with anything and everything 
you can possibly get your hands on.
You've been told over and over
 time and time again 
 you can't take it with you. 

Take Christ with you.

you want to try to convince me
 that it will be easier on that day 
when you come face to face with Him
 that it will be easier to accept Him.
You really have that much strength and confidence in yourself
to fall for that trick too?

What makes you think you can 
accept Him as Jehovah
 and not as LORD ALMIGHTY Jesus
 ruler and savior over all?
You're telling me
you get to pick and choose what Deity you like best?
You get to deny and accept what you want.
You know what, I guess you do.
You have been given free will
and you are exercising it
ever so self righteously.

Have you ever been in a court room and observed a judgment passed down
  and the consequence was in part just.
   Should the sentence have been more?
You got off, easier.
  Easier than the laws that are set.
God is a just God.
Judgement Day will come.

Why not hand it all over today. 
 sinful thing 
you are indeed guilty of
 and let Him
 forgive it and redeem it.

Don't wait for judgement day.
Let Him
 make it for good
now, today, and in the days ahead
for all eternity.

Watch, wait, look, and see
 what he can do with that heap of garbage.
He's known for making beauty from ashes.

I stand and live and breath
 that very truth
 that very miracle
 then drop to my knees 
in great thanksgiving
 because He is merciful and just.

We will all confess and give an account.
 Romans 14:11-12.

Sleepless Nights

As the pinks and purples rise in the east
 I blink and realize I am given one more day.

Each blink I blink
each stretch I take
 I am reminded of the night.
  The night I seem to have over and over
 but lately more recently.

Today is a day I don't have the strength.
The strength to process the night
 and forgive yet again.
If only they would see I still love them
and after nights like this
 wondering if I could ever be loved.

When all I've ever heard is that your not worth
 anything or enough.
Not enough to hang on to
not  enough to want to talk to me
not enough to do things with me.

Shunned for another year.
Those years have turned into a decade
 for some
 and with others two.

If they truly saw my heart
they would see the love I have for them
 is just a pinch
 of the kind of love
they have been searching for all their life.

 Yet I'm held at arms length.

The love I have and want to give
 will forever be there 
waiting to burst forth 
and spill over at just a look.
The words don't even have to be spoken. 
 I'll know by the look.

But I do find the strength.
The strength to get up.
The strength to forgive.
The strength to continue this path I'm on.

I'm not really sure
 how I finally ended up
 on the right side of the road this time.

 But I like it here.
In fact I love it here, and wouldn't trade it for anything.
A road where grace and mercy abound even in my weakest moments.

I will continue to stand
 and wave my white flag

and surrender
 to the only
 I know will win the battle for me.
 And when I can't
I know who I can call on to help continue the battle
with me.

I will stand until the sunsets yet again

 and pray that I will be granted one more day
 to continue what God has started in me.
The LORD our Banner.

Philippians 4:13
Exodus 17:8-16
Jeremiah 29:11
Philippians 1:6

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"Although many people can contribute
 to the process of creating a significant purpose;
it is a child's parents that carry the greatest
potential for influence.
Dr. Tim Kimmel- Grace Based Parenting

As I sit yet again through the 10 week study of 
Grace Based Parenting.
(Yes my second time! I desperately need it!)
My thoughts turn toward not my parenting this time;
but toward the way my parents were with me
growing up.

Reflecting. Processing. Wondering.

"It is a child's parents that carry 
the greatest potential for influence."

I believe this statement.

Sure I could go down the laundry list of bads
 and not so goods.

However this time in my thinking, I reflect on the good.

First and foremost you must understand my mom.
Her thoughts
Her eyes
Her love
Her ears
are all veiled.

She does not know.

So as she sits in her winged back chair
and studies 
and underlines
and reads
and prays.

She does not know.

She does not know
 the severity of the loss.

She does only what she is told.

She does not know
What a Savior is
Who the Savior is.

She did the best she could, with what she has been told,
and sadly
with what she has forever believed in
the Jehovah Witness Organization.

She has studied over pages of magazines and books
for 45 + years now.

One thing she influenced me in
was reading the bible.
Even though what she is reading is false.

The principle of
The impact of
reading her bible daily
has been the biggest influence in my life.

So even today as this long journey continues and we are separated.
I can stand and give honor to my mom 
for the influence
that came from her.

And this also
She does not know.

So take the bad and let God make it for good.
Genesis 50:20

Honor your father and mother.
Ephesians 6:2

The Meaning of a Pink Rose:
Appreciation. "Thank you", Grace, Admiration

Thank you Mom.