What if... Maybe...

What if...

What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I had more?
What if there's more to life?
What if I change?
What if there's something else out there for me?
What if I find a new "normal"?
What if there's a different way of doing things?
What if I give it a try?
What if there's a different way than what I've known?
What if I had a family that accepted me for me?
What is the right way of doing things?
What if I'm missing out?
What is the wrong way of doing things?
What if I stay here it's what I know?
What if I had it all? ? ? ? ? ?


Maybe if I was born at a different time...
Maybe if  my life wasn't already decided for me...
Maybe if I would of been raised in a different home...
Maybe if I was raised differently...
Maybe if I looked different..
Maybe if I acted different...
Maybe if I was like everyone else...
Maybe if I was shorter or taller...
Maybe if I was smarter...
Maybe if I was thinner...
Maybe if I was better looking...
Maybe if I was more eloquent...
Maybe if I was not me...
Maybe if I could just decide...
Maybe if just maybe...? ? ? ? ?

Every Wonder
What if?
Every Wonder

I use to ALL the time!
The answers to my questions...

The What If's:

The bigger picture + Christ

The more + My Eternity

The more to life + Forgiveness and Grace

The change + It wasn't easy, but so worth it

The something else out there for me + Yes Mercy

The new "normal" + It feels so good and it's beginning to feel more and more normal everyday

The different way of doing things + God's Word Daily

The giving it a try + It was all worth it

The different way than what I've known + Yep, I found The Truth
I should say The Truth found me

The family who accepts me for me + Adopted into God's family ( I so love my church family)

The right way of doing things + God's Way God's Will

The missing out + I'd be missing out on
my calling and on my eternity in heaven with Christ
if I would of stayed where I was at

The wrong way of doing things + my old way of doing things

The staying here + I'm glad fear didn't get the best of me, I moved

The having it all + I have it all, life in Christ

The Maybe's:

The born at a different time + No, God knew me before all creation

The life decided for me + Yep, God predestined it

The raised in a different home + No way, it's who I am today because of my family.  God knows

The raised differently + Um, sometimes maybe ya, that would be nice, but no God meant it for good

The looking different + Me looking different wouldn't be me

The acting different + I'm staying this way whether you like it or not ! Ha Ha!  Some attitudes need to change

The like everyone else + no way, different and set apart is the way to go

The shorter vs taller + it doesn't matter, really!

The smarter + I want to be wiser

The thinner + ya, would be nice

The better looking + nope, I'm o.k. with me

The more eloquent +  yes, but real

The not me + no way, I was created in God's image in his likeness.  I like I AM! and I like how I AM, made me

The only if I could decide + I'm so thankful God is deciding, because when I was, I really messed things up

The just maybe + Just maybe take the narrow path

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